The Calvary Temple Rabbit Hole

“Her mind had gone for a stroll and fallen down a rabbit hole”


Expose Calvary Temple

A one-stop shop for all basic ex-Calvary Temple needs. This is the hub for updates and links to other blogs. This is a good place to start if you are unfamiliar with CT.


Tactics of Calvary Temple

Someone inside of Calvary Temple who posts some cryptic thoughts for ex-members and current members.

Dear Calvary Temple

A location for members to send letters to people in Calvary. This was started by a mother whose four children were instructed to ex-communicate her while in the church.


Commentary on Tactics of CT

Is Tactics of CT too cryptic for you? Michelle Freeman is an ex-CT member who has been fighting for the freedom of members for years. She puts all of her experience into explaining what the author of Tactics of CT might be trying to express.

Leaving Calvary Temple

An ex-member who continues to provide commentary on the on-going issues and teachings in CT. Clear and logical commentary that is constantly active.


End Cults Now

Mike Foster takes to YouTube to push content about Calvary Temple and tell his story in video format.