Star Scott & Sexual Abuse
If you’ve been abused, but are afraid to speak up, please reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline. They will care for you without overreacting. They will take their time to understand.
It seems that Star Scott sexually abused his 9 and 11 year old nieces. Here's the evidence for the allegations:
Lack of Denial
His son originally made the claim. He emailed it out to everyone. The pastors asked everyone to delete the email without reading it. Most did.
Why did Star ask everyone to delete that email?
Put yourself in his shoes for a second and pretend that you are innocent. Your son, a bitter young man, just accused you of sexually abusing two children. Would you run and tell everyone to delete that email? Or would you address it head on?
"That wasn't true." "It's all a blatant lie." "Here are the nieces who can defend me." "Here's why Star Jr. thinks that." "Here's what happened instead, and I'm sorry it happened."
Instead, "Don't read the email."
The next church service, after the reveal, the pastors gathered on the stage and said, "There were some things in the article that weren't correct." They described it as adultery (a very positive way of describing pedophilia). They never ever stated that it didn't happen.
Since then, articles and blogs have made reference to it, but there has been zero denial.
Supporting Conversations
A former member and good friend of one of the nieces that were abused sent a scathing email to Star Scott II. She stated that by sharing that information, he was removing her agency to share or not share the abuse. While she was extremely upset about Star revealing the information, she also confirmed that it happened.
There is also a recording from Star that has made its way around the ex-CT members several years ago. It was a personal conversation between Star and a former member. Star was asked about the email from his son sent several years prior. Star said that the email was correct, but there were some differences. The ages might have been different. He said that it happened when he was a youth pastor in California before he came to Herndon, and the Herndon church leadership had no idea (this brings into question the miraculous story of how Star and his family made it to Herndon).
Finally, a Washington Post reporter spoke with one of the nieces who was abused. She confirmed the story for the reporter and allowed her to publish the result. However, the niece did not press charges.
Why This Matters
This was a long time ago, and the children are grown. Redemption means that Star is forgiven, and it's "just as if I never sinned."
Unfortunately Scripture has different standards for pastors. Even after forgiveness, a pastor must be "above reproach" so that the word of god be not ashamed. Read that entire Scripture….there isn't any missing context. Instead Star was a youth pastor who moved into another pastoral role in Herndon.
Also, pedophilia is not typically an inclination that ever goes away. Catholic priests who have their perverseness discovered are often moved to another diocese where they commit the same crime. Janet was famous for keeping Star away from young girls. And when Janet died, he married a 19 yr old two weeks later.
As a Christian, Star should be treated like a forgiven sinner. As a pastor, he should have stepped down.
The Results
Years later, much has been made about the "Ex-CT" members. How they are a bitter bunch who just couldn't follow God's Word, so they fell by the way side.
But there is a large group of these members who have been separated from their family because they attempted to share these accusations against Star with their families. Now their family will have nothing to do with them.
Star Scott abused children and attempts to hide it. He's exposed, so he tells everyone not to pay attention. Then he proceeds to cut off anyone who provides evidence and uses their family as leverage to force silence. That's not the actions of a repentant individual. It's the actions of a guilt-ridden man.
The damage that Star has done to protect his crime has been more hurtful than the crime itself.
What Should You Do?
• Ask Star about this. Show him the Scripture and see how he answers.
• Ask yourself if the actions taken, both during the sexual abuse and after are the actions of a repentant man.
• Figure out how you choose to act toward Star and others.
• If you feel like leaving, please contact my website. I will be happy to work with you to talk about steps. You don't have to do it alone.
• If you don't feel like leaving, I'm not worried. In Calvary we're used to being told what to do. My intention is to only give you some additional perspective. Just be aware of the sacrifices you're making (financial, emotional, familial, etc).
• If you think I'm completely wrong, tell me! I promise I will be honest, kind, and open to hearing your view.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
For information or examples for any of the above items, please reach out to this email. We have removed the items of evidence on this site to protect those that have been affected.